Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 68, 60 - 73, 20.12.2023



  • Akçapar, Ş. K., & Aksel, D. B. (2017). Public diplomacy through diaspora engagement: The case of Turkey. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 22(3), 135-160. google scholar
  • Antonsich, M., 2010. Searching for belonging-an analytical framework. Geography Compass, 4(6), 644- 659. google scholar
  • Ataman, A., Sener, T., Noack, P. and Born, M., 2017. Political participation beyond borders: a comparative analysis of Turkish youth living in home country, Germany and Belgium. Journal of Youth Studies, 20(5), 565- 582. google scholar
  • Bauböck, R., 2005. Theorizing identity politics, belonging modes, and citizenship. In H.G. Sicakkan & Y.G. Lithman (eds.) Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State: Political Theory and Political Diversity (pp.iii-vii). New York: Edwin Mellen Press. google scholar
  • Bhimji, F., 2008. Cosmopolitan belonging and diaspora: second-generation British Muslim women travelling to South Asia. Citizenship Studies, 12(4), 413- 427. google scholar
  • Boccagni, P., & Kivisto, P. (2019). Introduction: Ambivalence and the social processes of immigrant inclusion. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 60(1-2), 3-13. google scholar
  • Bochove, M., Rusinovic, K. and Engbersen, G., 2010. The multiplicity of citizenship: transnational and local practices and identifications of middle-class migrants. Global Networks, 10(3), 344-364. google scholar
  • Bonjour, S. and Duyvendak, J.W., 2018. The “migrant with poor prospects”: Racialized intersections of class and culture in Dutch civic integration debates. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(5), 882- 900. google scholar
  • Breen, L. 2007. The researcher ’in the middle’: Negotiating the insider/outsider dichotomy. The Australian community psychologist, 19(1), 163-174. google scholar
  • Chavez, C. 2008. Conceptualizing from the inside: Advantages, complications, and demands on insider positionality. The Qualitative Report, 13(3), 474- 494. google scholar
  • Dahinden, J., 2012. Transnational belonging, non-ethnic forms of identification and diverse mobilities: rethinking migrant integration? Vienna: Spinger. google scholar
  • Duru, D. N., Favell, A., & Varela, A. 2019. Transnational Turkey: The everyday transnationalism and diversity of Turkish populations in Europe. In E. Recchi, A. Favell, F. Apaydin, et al. (eds.) Europe: Social transnationalism in an unsettled continent (pp.225- 254). Bristol: Policy Press. google scholar
  • Erdal, M.B., 2013. Migrant transnationalism and multi-layered integration: Norwegian-Pakistani migrants’ own reflections. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(6), 983- 999. google scholar
  • Erdal, M. B. 2021. Migrants’ multifocal sedentarism: Ambivalent belonging and desired recognition in transnational social fields connecting Pakistan and Norway. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 42(5), 643- 659. google scholar
  • Fenster, T., 2005. Gender and the city: the different formations of belonging. In L. Nelson & J. Seager (eds.) A companion to feminist geography (pp.242-256). Malden: Blackwell Publishing. google scholar
  • Greene, M. J. 2014. On the inside looking in: Methodological insights and challenges in conducting qualitative insider research. The qualitative report, 19(29), 1-13. google scholar
  • Healy, M., & Perry, C. 2000. Comprehensive criteria to judge validity and reliability of qualitative research within the realism paradigm. Qualitative market research: An international journal, 3(3), 118- 126. google scholar
  • Hoffman, M., Makovsky, A., & Werz, M. (2020). The Turkish diaspora in Europe: Integration, migration, and politics. Center for American Progress, 10(12). google scholar
  • Kaya, A., 2011. Euro-Turks as a force in EU-Turkey relations. South European Society and Politics, 16(3), 499- 512. google scholar
  • Klok, J., van Tilburg, T.G., Suanet, B., Fokkema, T. and Huisman, M., 2017. National and transnational belonging among Turkish and Moroccan older migrants in the Netherlands: Protective against loneliness? European Journal of Ageing, 14, 341- 351. google scholar
  • Kolbaşı-Muyan, G. (2023). Türkiye’s diaspora engagement policy: Change in perspective since 2010. Bilig, 105, 99-128. google scholar
  • Krzyzanowski, M. and Wodak, R., 2008. Multiple identities, migration and belonging: ‘Voices of migrants’. In C.R. Caldas-Coulthard & R. Iedema (eds.) Identity trouble: Critical discourse and contested identities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Leary, M. R., & Kelly, K. M. (2009). Belonging motivation. In M.R. Leary & R.H. Hyle (eds.) Handbook of individual differences in social behavior (pp.400- 409). New York: Guilford Press. google scholar
  • Levitt, P., 2001. Transnational migration: taking stock and future directions. Global networks, 1(3), 195- 216. google scholar
  • Lewis, D. 1973. Anthropology and colonialism. Current Anthropology, 14(5), 581- 602. google scholar
  • May, V., 2011. Self, belonging and social change. Sociology, 45(3), 363- 378. google scholar
  • McCracken, G. 1988. The long interview. London: Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Naples, N. A. 2003. Feminism and method: Ethnography, discourse analysis, and activist research. New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Nititham, D.S., 2016. Making home in diasporic communities: Transnational belonging amongst Filipina migrants. London and New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Noble, H., & Smith, J. 2015. Issues of validity and reliability in qualitative research. Evidence-based nursing, 18(2), 34— 35. google scholar
  • Norwegian Ministries. (2022). Migration and Integration 2020-2021: Report for Norway to the OECD. google scholar
  • Over, H. 2016. The origins of belonging: Social motivation in infants and young children. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371(1686), 20150072. google scholar
  • Özbilgin, M., & Yıldız, H. (2022). Turkish academic diaspora in Britain: A scoping review. Migration Letters, 19(4), 387- 400. google scholar
  • Palmberger, M. (2019). Relational ambivalence: Exploring the social and discursive dimensions of ambivalence—The case of Turkish aging labor migrants. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 60(1-2), 74- 90. google scholar
  • Piercy, K. W. 2004. Analysis of semi-structured interview data. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Family, Consumer, & Human Development, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, United-States. google scholar
  • Portes, A., 1997. Globalization from below: The rise of transnational communities (Vol. 98). Princeton: Princeton University. google scholar
  • Schellenberg, B., 2013. Developments within the radical right in Germany: Discourses, attitudes and actors. In R. Wodak, M. KhosraviNik & B. Mral (eds.) Right-Wing populism in Europe: Politics and discourse, (pp.149-162). London & New York: Bloomsbury. google scholar
  • Schiller, N.G., Basch, L. and Blanc-Szanton, C., 1992. Transnationalism: A new analytic framework for understanding migration. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 645(1), 1- 24. google scholar
  • Sicakkan, H.G. and Lithman, Y., 2005. Politics of identity, modes of belonging and citizenship: An overview of conceptual and theoretical challenges. In H.G. Sicakkan & Y.G. Lithman (eds.) Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State. Political Theory and Political Diversity (pp.1- 35). New York: Edwin Mellen Press. google scholar
  • Skey, M., 2014. ‘How do you think I feel? It’s my country’: Belonging, entitlement, and the politics of immigration. The Political Quarterly, 85(3), 326- 332. google scholar
  • Skey, M., 2013. Why do nations matter? The struggle for belonging and security in an uncertain world. The British Journal of Sociology, 64(1), 81- 98. google scholar
  • Skrbis, Z., 2008. Transnational families: Theorizing migration, emotions and belonging. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 29(3), 231- 246. google scholar
  • Somerville, K., 2008. Transnational belonging among second generation youth: Identity in a globalized world. Journal of Social Sciences, 10(1), 23- 33. google scholar
  • Stenbacka, C. 2001. Qualitative research requires quality concepts of its own. Management decision, 39(7), 551- 556. google scholar
  • Vertovec, S., 2001. Transnationalism and identity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies, 27(4), 573- 582. google scholar
  • Wilkinson, S., & Kitzinger, C. 2013. Representing our own experience: Issues in “insider” research. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(2), 251- 255. google scholar
  • Wimmer, A. and Schiller, N.G., 2002. Methodological nationalism and the study of migration. European Journal of Sociology/Archives Europeennes de Sociologie, 43(2), 217-240. google scholar
  • Wong, L.L., 2008. Transnationalism, active citizenship, and belonging in Canada. International Journal, 63(1), 79- 100. google scholar
  • Yabancı, B. (2021). Home state-oriented diaspora organizations and the making of partisan citizens abroad: Motivations, discursive frames, and actions towards co-opting the Turkish diaspora in Europe. Diaspora, 21(2), 139- 165. google scholar
  • Yaldız, F. (2019). A Critical Approach to the Term Turkish Diaspora: Is there ‘the’ Turkish Diaspora?. Bilig, (91), 53- 80. google scholar
  • Yuval-Davis, N., 2006. Belonging and the politics of belonging. Patterns of prejudice, 40(3), 197- 214. google scholar

Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway

Year 2023, Issue: 68, 60 - 73, 20.12.2023


This article examines differentways of belonging among migrants of Turkish origin who were born in Türkiye and are currently living in Norway (in/around Oslo and Drammen). The discussion in the article is based on the findings of semi-structured interviews conducted between March 2019 and August 2020 with 71 Turkish migrants as part of a qualitative study. Different categories of responses to the questions about belonging and the meanings respondents attached to belonging/not belonging are discussed. The paper aims to demonstrate the heterogeneity and complexity of feelings of belonging among the members of an ethnic group that is assumed to feel belonging to their country of origin rather than the destination country in the context of Europe. Additionally, the paper also aims to elaborate on what migrants actually mean when they talk about their belonging (or not belonging) to territories such as the country of origin or destination country, and collectivities like nations. Here it is argued that questioning and criticizing migrants’ feelings of belonging (especially to their countries of origin) as a part of civic integration agendas is an effort to intervene in and have control over their emotions. This claim to the right to intervene in migrants’ emotional lives is approached critically.


  • Akçapar, Ş. K., & Aksel, D. B. (2017). Public diplomacy through diaspora engagement: The case of Turkey. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 22(3), 135-160. google scholar
  • Antonsich, M., 2010. Searching for belonging-an analytical framework. Geography Compass, 4(6), 644- 659. google scholar
  • Ataman, A., Sener, T., Noack, P. and Born, M., 2017. Political participation beyond borders: a comparative analysis of Turkish youth living in home country, Germany and Belgium. Journal of Youth Studies, 20(5), 565- 582. google scholar
  • Bauböck, R., 2005. Theorizing identity politics, belonging modes, and citizenship. In H.G. Sicakkan & Y.G. Lithman (eds.) Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State: Political Theory and Political Diversity (pp.iii-vii). New York: Edwin Mellen Press. google scholar
  • Bhimji, F., 2008. Cosmopolitan belonging and diaspora: second-generation British Muslim women travelling to South Asia. Citizenship Studies, 12(4), 413- 427. google scholar
  • Boccagni, P., & Kivisto, P. (2019). Introduction: Ambivalence and the social processes of immigrant inclusion. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 60(1-2), 3-13. google scholar
  • Bochove, M., Rusinovic, K. and Engbersen, G., 2010. The multiplicity of citizenship: transnational and local practices and identifications of middle-class migrants. Global Networks, 10(3), 344-364. google scholar
  • Bonjour, S. and Duyvendak, J.W., 2018. The “migrant with poor prospects”: Racialized intersections of class and culture in Dutch civic integration debates. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(5), 882- 900. google scholar
  • Breen, L. 2007. The researcher ’in the middle’: Negotiating the insider/outsider dichotomy. The Australian community psychologist, 19(1), 163-174. google scholar
  • Chavez, C. 2008. Conceptualizing from the inside: Advantages, complications, and demands on insider positionality. The Qualitative Report, 13(3), 474- 494. google scholar
  • Dahinden, J., 2012. Transnational belonging, non-ethnic forms of identification and diverse mobilities: rethinking migrant integration? Vienna: Spinger. google scholar
  • Duru, D. N., Favell, A., & Varela, A. 2019. Transnational Turkey: The everyday transnationalism and diversity of Turkish populations in Europe. In E. Recchi, A. Favell, F. Apaydin, et al. (eds.) Europe: Social transnationalism in an unsettled continent (pp.225- 254). Bristol: Policy Press. google scholar
  • Erdal, M.B., 2013. Migrant transnationalism and multi-layered integration: Norwegian-Pakistani migrants’ own reflections. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(6), 983- 999. google scholar
  • Erdal, M. B. 2021. Migrants’ multifocal sedentarism: Ambivalent belonging and desired recognition in transnational social fields connecting Pakistan and Norway. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 42(5), 643- 659. google scholar
  • Fenster, T., 2005. Gender and the city: the different formations of belonging. In L. Nelson & J. Seager (eds.) A companion to feminist geography (pp.242-256). Malden: Blackwell Publishing. google scholar
  • Greene, M. J. 2014. On the inside looking in: Methodological insights and challenges in conducting qualitative insider research. The qualitative report, 19(29), 1-13. google scholar
  • Healy, M., & Perry, C. 2000. Comprehensive criteria to judge validity and reliability of qualitative research within the realism paradigm. Qualitative market research: An international journal, 3(3), 118- 126. google scholar
  • Hoffman, M., Makovsky, A., & Werz, M. (2020). The Turkish diaspora in Europe: Integration, migration, and politics. Center for American Progress, 10(12). google scholar
  • Kaya, A., 2011. Euro-Turks as a force in EU-Turkey relations. South European Society and Politics, 16(3), 499- 512. google scholar
  • Klok, J., van Tilburg, T.G., Suanet, B., Fokkema, T. and Huisman, M., 2017. National and transnational belonging among Turkish and Moroccan older migrants in the Netherlands: Protective against loneliness? European Journal of Ageing, 14, 341- 351. google scholar
  • Kolbaşı-Muyan, G. (2023). Türkiye’s diaspora engagement policy: Change in perspective since 2010. Bilig, 105, 99-128. google scholar
  • Krzyzanowski, M. and Wodak, R., 2008. Multiple identities, migration and belonging: ‘Voices of migrants’. In C.R. Caldas-Coulthard & R. Iedema (eds.) Identity trouble: Critical discourse and contested identities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Leary, M. R., & Kelly, K. M. (2009). Belonging motivation. In M.R. Leary & R.H. Hyle (eds.) Handbook of individual differences in social behavior (pp.400- 409). New York: Guilford Press. google scholar
  • Levitt, P., 2001. Transnational migration: taking stock and future directions. Global networks, 1(3), 195- 216. google scholar
  • Lewis, D. 1973. Anthropology and colonialism. Current Anthropology, 14(5), 581- 602. google scholar
  • May, V., 2011. Self, belonging and social change. Sociology, 45(3), 363- 378. google scholar
  • McCracken, G. 1988. The long interview. London: Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Naples, N. A. 2003. Feminism and method: Ethnography, discourse analysis, and activist research. New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Nititham, D.S., 2016. Making home in diasporic communities: Transnational belonging amongst Filipina migrants. London and New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Noble, H., & Smith, J. 2015. Issues of validity and reliability in qualitative research. Evidence-based nursing, 18(2), 34— 35. google scholar
  • Norwegian Ministries. (2022). Migration and Integration 2020-2021: Report for Norway to the OECD. google scholar
  • Over, H. 2016. The origins of belonging: Social motivation in infants and young children. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371(1686), 20150072. google scholar
  • Özbilgin, M., & Yıldız, H. (2022). Turkish academic diaspora in Britain: A scoping review. Migration Letters, 19(4), 387- 400. google scholar
  • Palmberger, M. (2019). Relational ambivalence: Exploring the social and discursive dimensions of ambivalence—The case of Turkish aging labor migrants. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 60(1-2), 74- 90. google scholar
  • Piercy, K. W. 2004. Analysis of semi-structured interview data. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Family, Consumer, & Human Development, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, United-States. google scholar
  • Portes, A., 1997. Globalization from below: The rise of transnational communities (Vol. 98). Princeton: Princeton University. google scholar
  • Schellenberg, B., 2013. Developments within the radical right in Germany: Discourses, attitudes and actors. In R. Wodak, M. KhosraviNik & B. Mral (eds.) Right-Wing populism in Europe: Politics and discourse, (pp.149-162). London & New York: Bloomsbury. google scholar
  • Schiller, N.G., Basch, L. and Blanc-Szanton, C., 1992. Transnationalism: A new analytic framework for understanding migration. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 645(1), 1- 24. google scholar
  • Sicakkan, H.G. and Lithman, Y., 2005. Politics of identity, modes of belonging and citizenship: An overview of conceptual and theoretical challenges. In H.G. Sicakkan & Y.G. Lithman (eds.) Changing the Basis of Citizenship in the Modern State. Political Theory and Political Diversity (pp.1- 35). New York: Edwin Mellen Press. google scholar
  • Skey, M., 2014. ‘How do you think I feel? It’s my country’: Belonging, entitlement, and the politics of immigration. The Political Quarterly, 85(3), 326- 332. google scholar
  • Skey, M., 2013. Why do nations matter? The struggle for belonging and security in an uncertain world. The British Journal of Sociology, 64(1), 81- 98. google scholar
  • Skrbis, Z., 2008. Transnational families: Theorizing migration, emotions and belonging. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 29(3), 231- 246. google scholar
  • Somerville, K., 2008. Transnational belonging among second generation youth: Identity in a globalized world. Journal of Social Sciences, 10(1), 23- 33. google scholar
  • Stenbacka, C. 2001. Qualitative research requires quality concepts of its own. Management decision, 39(7), 551- 556. google scholar
  • Vertovec, S., 2001. Transnationalism and identity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies, 27(4), 573- 582. google scholar
  • Wilkinson, S., & Kitzinger, C. 2013. Representing our own experience: Issues in “insider” research. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(2), 251- 255. google scholar
  • Wimmer, A. and Schiller, N.G., 2002. Methodological nationalism and the study of migration. European Journal of Sociology/Archives Europeennes de Sociologie, 43(2), 217-240. google scholar
  • Wong, L.L., 2008. Transnationalism, active citizenship, and belonging in Canada. International Journal, 63(1), 79- 100. google scholar
  • Yabancı, B. (2021). Home state-oriented diaspora organizations and the making of partisan citizens abroad: Motivations, discursive frames, and actions towards co-opting the Turkish diaspora in Europe. Diaspora, 21(2), 139- 165. google scholar
  • Yaldız, F. (2019). A Critical Approach to the Term Turkish Diaspora: Is there ‘the’ Turkish Diaspora?. Bilig, (91), 53- 80. google scholar
  • Yuval-Davis, N., 2006. Belonging and the politics of belonging. Patterns of prejudice, 40(3), 197- 214. google scholar
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Research Articles

Meltem Yılmaz Şener 0000-0003-2333-3396

Publication Date December 20, 2023
Submission Date March 16, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 68


APA Yılmaz Şener, M. (2023). Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(68), 60-73.
AMA Yılmaz Şener M. Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. December 2023;(68):60-73. doi:10.26650/JECS2023-1266523
Chicago Yılmaz Şener, Meltem. “Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 68 (December 2023): 60-73.
EndNote Yılmaz Şener M (December 1, 2023) Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 68 60–73.
IEEE M. Yılmaz Şener, “Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 68, pp. 60–73, December 2023, doi: 10.26650/JECS2023-1266523.
ISNAD Yılmaz Şener, Meltem. “Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 68 (December 2023), 60-73.
JAMA Yılmaz Şener M. Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023;:60–73.
MLA Yılmaz Şener, Meltem. “Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 68, 2023, pp. 60-73, doi:10.26650/JECS2023-1266523.
Vancouver Yılmaz Şener M. Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023(68):60-73.