Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The Academic Art Journal embraces ethical publishing principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and The Open Access scholar Publishers Association (OASPA) in publishing ethics.
Articles submitted to Academic Art Journal for publication must not have been previously published in any other journal or submitted to any Journal simultaneously for publication. Received articles are subjected to a preliminary examination by the editorial board. Articles that are not suitable for the purpose of publication of the journal may be rejected directly or sent back to the author for the purpose of publication and for the purpose of making them in accordance with the rules of publication without being taken for the evaluation of the referee. Articles deemed appropriate for the scope of the Journal are taken into the blind referee evaluation process. The editorial board is authorized to recommend the necessary corrections and changes in the preparation stages of the articles submitted to the Journal in accordance with the refereed comments and suggestions or to refuse the article at any stage. After the approval of the author, articles that have passed the evaluation are given a DOI code to be published in the appropriate issue of the period of the journal, then they are published online. Authors whose articles are approved are asked to take ORCID number. As of January 1, 2020, the authors are required to upload plagiarism reports that have been scanned in iThenticate, Turnitin or İ programs for all articles. Articles with a similarity rate above 15%, excluding references, are rejected directly before proceeding with the evaluation phase.

Author Responsibilities
Any liability arising from non-compliance with the code of ethics rests with the author(s). Authors must guarantee the authenticity of their works. The authors must declare that the work has not been previously published or evaluated for publication in any language, anywhere, and must comply with applicable copyright laws. Copyrighted material, such as Tables, Figures or other contributing citations, is published only with valid permission and copyright approval. The authors of the nominated paper should be limited to those who made significant contributions to the presented work. If the author detects a significant scientific error or impropriety in her/his published article, s/he has the obligation to contact the relevant editor as quickly as possible to withdraw the article or correct the mistake.

Referee Responsibilities
Referees evaluate received works in terms of scientific content only, regardless of their authors' ethnicity, gender, gender preference, nationality, religious belief or political philosophy. For referees, there should be no conflict of interest or competitive relationship with the research, its authors or promoters. Referee decisions must be objective. Referees must refuse to evaluate the article if s/he has in any way made a subjective and active contribution to the writing process of the article. Referees must complete the article evaluation form and prepare a reasoned report in case of rejection decision. Referees shall not use the information obtained during the arbitration process to their advantage or to the advantage of any other person or institution, nor shall they exploit it to the detriment of others or to discredit others. Referees must specify publications that have not been cited in the related work by the author. They are obliged to keep all information related to the submitted article confidential and to notify the editor when s/he becomes aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism conducted by the author. The referee should inform the relevant editor and withdraw from the evaluation process if he or she thinks that the content of a submitted article is incompatible with his or her scientific field or accumulation, or if he or she cannot make a quick assessment.

Editorial Responsibilities
The Editorial Board of the Academic Art Journal evaluates the submitted articles only in terms of scientific content, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, gender preference, nationality, religious belief or political philosophies, or personal interactions with the association concerned or volunteer leaders. The board ensures that a fair peer evaluation process is carried out for the publication of submitted articles. It guarantees that all information relating to the submitted article will be kept confidential until publication. The editorial board is responsible for the appointment of a referee in the academic art journal and for the decision of positive or negative results regarding the publication of the articles. The editor should start the evaluation process for the submitted article without delay. Evaluations are based on the opinion of at least two referees, in case of one positive and one negative referee evaluation result, then a third referee opinion is sought. Editors should choose referees who have strong publications in their fields, are committed to ethical values and will not interfere with the publication processes of the journal. Unpublished information, arguments or comments described in a submitted article should not be used in editors' own research except with the permission of the author. If the editors have contributed to an article submitted to the journal, the evaluation process of the article is carried out by another editor. The responsibility for the articles to be published belongs to the author and the copyright belongs to our journal. All articles that do not comply with accepted ethical standards are removed from publication. This includes articles that may be found to be unlawful or non-conforming after publication.
