Writing Rules

All material to be considered for publication in the Dil Dergisi, before submission and blind review, should be prepared in accordance with the instructions below:

  • Manuscripts should be in Turkish or in English.
  • Manuscripts sent to the journal should not have been previously published elsewhere and should not have been sent to another journal for publication.
  • Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with the journal’s style guide are not considered for publication.
  • Manuscripts sent to the journal should comply with the following: a) All manuscripts should be typed on a standard A4 vertical size word document in single space format with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides. b) Manuscripts should be no less than 4000 and no more than 10000 words in length, excluding the abstract and references pages. The text should be written in Bookman Old Style 11 point font with 1.5 line spacing on Microsoft Word.

Manuscripts should include the following parts in the order as stated below, and should be structured according to the following instructions:

  • Title: The title of the manuscript should be centered and written in UPPERCASE with 12 point font, bold type. The title should not exceed 2 lines excluding numbers and punctuation marks.
  • Title in Turkish: The title in Turkish, placed after the English title, should be centered and the first letter of each word should be written in 10 point font, bold and italic type.
  • Author / Authors: The title should be followed by the author’s name (in lowercase with the first letter capitalized) and last name (in UPPERCASE LETTERS) which should be right-aligned and written in 12 point font, bold type. This should be followed by information about the author (academic position, institution and author's email address) should be given. Also, the photograph of the author(s) should be uploaded on the system.
  • Abstract (in English): The abstract in English should be single-spaced and written in 10 point font italic type with the first letter of each word capitalized. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
  • Keywords (in English): A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 keywords in English which identify the content of the work should be presented. The first letter of each keyword should be capitalized, and each keyword must be separated by a semicolon and written in italic type.
  • Öz (Abstract in Turkish): The text given in the English abstract should be written in Turkish in italic.
  • Anahtar Sözcükler (Keywords in Turkish): Manuscripts should also present a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 keywords (identifying the content of the work) in Turkish. The first letter of each keyword should be capitalized and written in italic type. Turkish keywords (Anahtar Sözcükler in Turkish) should be given in the same order and should mean the same as the words given in the English keywords.

For Applied Research:

  • Introduction: The basis of the research subject, summary of the parts of the study, its relevance to academic body of literature, significance of the study, research problem and its goals should be discussed in detail in the introductory part. This part can be structured under a single title or several subheadings. No bold or underlined phrases should be used in the text.
  • Method: The type, model, questions and hypotheses, research population, data collection techniques, validity and reliability, data analysis, limits of the study, and ethics committee approval (if necessary) should be included in the methods part. This part can be structured in subheadings like Research Problems, Research Model, Hypotheses, Data Analysis, and

Data Collection Techniques.

  • Results: The results of the study should be explained to support the goal and problem of the study, and should be explored through related tables, figures, graphs, or diagrams in a way to preserve the integrity of the study. All the tables, figures, graphs, or diagrams used in the study should be clearly signposted by in-text directions. The results in the form of graphs or figures should be presented in high-quality in order to ensure publication quality and legibility. Findings demonstrated in tables should be presented in a format in accordance with the APA Guidelines. All the tables, graphs, figures, and diagrams used in the study should be titled. The results can be presented under subheadings in order to increase the legibility and clarity of the study.
  • Conclusion: Conclusion(s) reached in the light of the findings of the study should be explained.
  • Suggestions: In line with the conclusion(s) of the study, suggestions should be developed. These suggestions should also point to potential future studies and practices in the field which will contribute to the relevant academic body of literature.
  • Acknowledgements: Individuals or institutions that contributed to the study (if necessary) should be acknowledged in the form of footnotes.