Licenses and Royalties Policy

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Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature protects intellectual property and copy rights of every paper/article that it publishes and the Journal is obliged to keep every copy under its archive.

The papers/articles published in Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature are licenced under Creative Commons “CC BY NC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International”. According to this licence the materials within the Journal can be downloaded or shared with citation to the Journal, but they cannot be changed or used commercially.

Royalties and review fees of the papers/articles are paid to their respective authors/referees within 2 months from the publication of the Journal. Additionally, two copies of the issue/volume in which the author’s paper/article is published are sent to the author.

Royalties are determined in concordance with the Regulation on Royalties, Publications and Sales of Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History and Subsidiaries.

Last Update Time: 1/10/21, 5:12:29 PM