Review Process

Evaluation of the Formal Conformity by the Editorial Unit: Each article transmitted through the dergipark system of our journal is firstly given a code and evaluated by the Editorial Unit within the framework of the Editorial Principles of our journal (article, abstract and the number of keywords, bibliography rules, etc.). At this stage, our Editorial Department only tries to ensure the formal conformity of the article to the Publication Principles, does not make any evaluation regarding the content.

Editorial Board Evaluation and Determination of Referees: Each article, whose formal suitability is evaluated by the Editorial Unit, is sent to the members of the Editorial Board by "anonymizing" by hiding the expressions that will reveal the identity of the author. The Editorial Board, consisting of the Editor, Assistant Editors and academicians from different universities and disciplines, meets two times a year as online or face to face meetings. At the meeting, the articles are handled according to the principle of "Blind Editorial Board". Three types of decisions are made about the articles discussed in the Editorial Board: "sending to referees", "rearrangement" or "rejection".

Peer Review: Articles are pre-reviewed by the editorial board and articles that meet the publication criteria are sent to two different referees. In case of disagreement between two referees, the opinion of a third referee is sought. In line with the reports from the referees, it is decided to print the article, to request correction from the author within the framework of the reports or to reject it. The Editorial Board decides whether the submitted articles will be published after the positive evaluation of at least two referees and in which issue the journal will be published. In accordance with the principle of "Blind Refereeing", communication between the referees and the author is carried out through our Dergipark system through the Editorial Unit. It is expected that all articles will complete the refereeing process and be published within 60 days at the latest.

At the last stage, the contribution of the articles to science and the field is evaluated by the editorial board in line with the "publishable" report of at least two referees, and it is decided whether they will be included in the publication order or not.

Last Update Time: 7/28/22, 2:36:59 PM